You Have Questions About Website Builder - Settings?

Let's get you answers!

Below you'll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Website Builder - Settings. If you still can't find the answer you're looking for, just Contact Us!

Yes. You can change your subdomain to anything you want as long as it is URL-friendly. Meaning, no spaces or special characters.

Again, at any time you wish, you can change your subdomain and it takes effect immediately!

There are a couple of things you have to do to use the domain field on the website settings.

The first step is to visit the domain registrar where you got your domain name. To begin, find where you can modify the DNS Records for the domain you want to point to Insurance Storefronts website.

You will want to create a new record for the domain. The settings you want is as follows:

Type: A

Name: @


TTL: 1 Hour or 3600

Here is an example using a domain from GoDaddy.

After you have set the DNS Settings, you will click the Check Domain Status button on the domain field where you entered your domain. Once your domain has fully been updated and this returns a success, you will then see the Activate SSL button. This will allow you to install the SSL Certificates your site needs.

Insurance Storefronts is going to make sure that you get the best results possible for traffic. The start of that is to utilize meta tags. Meta tags are used for search engine optimization also known as SEO. 

As a fallback, if specific pages do not have the title, description, or keywords set then the page will fall back to these global settings to make sure they are set.

You want to make sure you have specific keywords that you want to be found for in your meta tags and content.

The Measurement ID is used for Google Analytics. Our dashboard provides some insights but no one does it better than Google.

To get a Measurement ID, visit Google Analytics and click Data collection and modifications. Then under that, click the Data streams link.

You will see a list of your data streams and now you just click the stream you want to record for your website.

You will see the Measurement ID on Stream details to the right. You will copy and paste that in the Website Settings on the Measurement ID field.

The logo and favicon can be changed on the Website Settings Logo and Favicon fields.

You will upload a new logo on the Website Builder - Media page. The same will go for the Favicon. The Favicon will need to have the .ico extension on the file to be used on the Favicion.

If you want to add some JavaScript to all your pages, you will use the Head Scripts field to do so. You do not include the <script></script> tags as anything you enter here will go inside <script></script> tags.

The same is true for the Head Styles, except that it is for CSS. If you want a design for all your pages, you should include that id or class in this section. This is a great way to add a bit more styling to your website!
