You Have Questions About Website Builder - Pages?

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Below you'll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Website Builder - Pages. If you still can't find the answer you're looking for, just Contact Us!

Yes. When working on the page, in the upper right of the page, you will see a light blue button labeled Edit Columns. 

If you click this button, a popup will show up where you can define the layout for the page you're working on.

The top grey and bottom grey sections are the header and footer. The white sections are what the layout definition adds.

Absolutely. On the editor of the page, at the top, you will see the Global Header (hide on this page). If you click the (hide on this page) link, it will disable the header for the page you're working on. To re-enable the header, click the (show on this page) link and the header will show back up.

If you scroll toward the bottom of the page editor, you will see Global Footer (hide on this page). Clicking this will hide the footer for the page you're working on. You can re-enable it by clicking on the (show on this page) just like the Global Header.

When building a page you're going to see two sections. The first section will be to the left titled Available Blocks. The second section will be the Preview of Page.

You will drag blocks from the Available Blocks section to the Preview of Page section. When doing so, certain blocks will open up a popup where you can define more details about that block.

When editing a page, you will see the blocks you have added. If the block has details that can be attributed to it, you will see an Edit link beside the title of the block.

If you click that Edit link, the popup will display for you to modify the details about the block. 

Yes. Each block that you add to your page, will have a bright red X to the right of the block. 

If you click that X, the block will be removed from your page.
