Marketing Profile

Building Your Marketing Profile


Insurance Storefront’s marketing profile is a great way to generate leads without having to put in much work. We do the marketing and pushing once you get your profile set up. This is a great way to get found when consumers search for insurance agents to help them with their policy needs. Each zip code you have on your profile gives you a 70-mile radius to be found in a search. If you have Platinum Agent’s Plan, your profile will always be listed before non-Platinum Agent’s. You will also be randomly shown on our consumer blogs and articles based off their IP address and your location settings. Our marketing profiles are second to none.

In this article, we will go over the steps needed to create a complete profile. If you follow along, you will have a solid marketing profile that will generate leads in no time!


Profile Picture

The first thing you should do is add a profile picture. This allows a consumer to see who they are working with at a glance. This picture should be of yourself, clear of any pixelations, and be professional-looking.

To begin, let’s click our name in the upper right corner to view the account menu drop-down and click the Account Settings menu item from the drop-down. Once we hit the account settings page, we can see the Update Profile Pic on the right-hand side. Click the Choose File button to select a picture you want to use for your profile. Now that you have selected a photo, you will then see our Adjust Profile Picture pop-up cropping tool. Drag the circle around the portion of the photo that you want to use for your profile picture. You can zoom in and zoom out with the magnifying glass buttons at the bottom of the pop-up. Once you are happy, click the Crop & Save button.


Marketing Profile - Company Details

Our next step is to fill out our company details. This section allows you to define items such as a slogan, location, representation, an about you, hours, and services you offer. Let’s go through the fields in this section and what they are used for. Begin by clicking the Marketing Profile menu item on the left-hand side and the Company Details item from the drop-down menu.



When a consumer visits your profile page, right below your profile picture, you can have a slogan. A good slogan is a powerful tool that can help an insurance agent communicate its essence and leave a lasting impression on their target audience. It should be catchy and memorable. Make it so that it sends a clear message about what kind of insurance agent you are.


Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code 

The address 1, address 2, city, state, and zip code should be your main location of business. Most insurance agents do their business from their homes which leads them to not wanting them to share their exact location. We recommend if this is the case for you, leave the address 1 and address 2 empty. However, you should add your city, state, and zip code. This location is displayed right below the reviews on the profile. 


 My Specialities

The specialties field allows an insurance agent to define their niche. You should list not only the services you offer but also extra details about those services that make you stand out from other insurance agents. Make sure to stick to what you’re good at and what truly makes you special in those areas.


Companies You Represent

This section is pretty simple. You should list all the companies that you work with. You can throw in a little spice to this other than comma-separated companies. For example, you could start that as an independent representative, you are affiliated with professional and licensed insurance companies. 


About You

Here is the section you should go all out about your insurance agent self. What got you into insurance? How long have you been doing it? Things you are great at with insurance? List accolades and groups that you are part of. This doesn’t have to be a book but the about you should most certainly describe to the consumer what kind of insurance agent they could potentially be working with. Being a rich text editor, you can make certain text bold to make it stand out to the consumer. There are many things you can do, so play around and take your time on this section as this field alone can generate leads for you.


Update Company Hours

Define the hours you work so that consumers know when they can contact you. It is important to consumers that they know when they can expect to get ahold of an insurance agent to get their questions answered and a policy started. Always remember to treat being an insurance agent as being a business, let consumers know when you’re open for them.


Services Offered

The services offered section allows you to select the insurance types you offer. Make sure to review all the services and select what types you can offer consumers. Remember, with our Platinum Agent’s plan, insurance agents can be found by services as well. On top of that, Platinum Agents can also attach our quote engines to a service. For example, let’s say that you are going to check the Life Insurance service. You can create a health insurance quote engine that you can select from the drop-down beside the Life Insurance service. When doing this, a consumer visiting your profile can click the Instant Quote button beside the service and the quote engine starts right on your profile page! When consumers use your quote engine, all those details go directly to you and only you. 


Marketing Profile - Contact Info

Now that we have our company details added, it’s time to enter some contact information. It’s great to have a phone number for consumers to reach you on but it’s also important for them to check out a website, or social media and possibly schedule a meeting with you. Most of these fields should be self-explanatory, so we will make this quick. Click the Marketing Profile menu item on the left-hand side, then the Contact Info item from the drop-down menu.


Phone Number

This should be a phone number that consumers can reach you on. Remember, to always keep that voicemail so that potential leads can leave a message so you can contact you back if needed.


Website Address

Have a website you would like consumers to see? Great, use this field so that your website can be listed on your profile. A website is a great way for consumers to learn more about you and your services.


LinkedIn URL, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, YouTube URL, Instagram URL

If you use any of these social media for your business, you can share those URLs in these fields. Social media is a great way to get the word out about your services, so utilize these fields if you can.


Schedule URL

The schedule URL field allows you to add a URL to allow consumers to schedule a meeting with you. Not sure what to use? Check out or for more info on setting a scheduler up.


Marketing Profile - PURL Links

This section allows you to add personalized URLs that an upline, IMO, carriers, or anyone else has provided you for consumers to generate quotes or to get self-enrolled. This is a great place to add those, as you can label those URLs any way you like and consumers can easily find them under your profile on the services tab. You can add as many PURLs as you want by clicking the Add PURL button. Once you have added the labels and URLs, click the Save button when finished. To begin, let's get to the page by clicking the Marketing Profile menu item on the left-hand side and then the PURL Links item in the drop-down.



This will be the label of the button. Make sure to clearly describe where the URL is going. For example, let’s say you have a quote engine from Ethos. You could define the label as, Ethos Life Insurance Instant Quote. Just help the consumer the best you can to define what the PURL offers them.



The URL field is where you would paste your PURL link. Whatever the company provides you, you would put here.


Marketing Profile - Zip Codes & States

The zip codes & states of the marketing profile allow you to define the zip codes and states you want to be found in. If you have a Platinum Agent’s Plan, you will get 3 zip codes to add. You will also be able to select the states you want to be found in and be listed in those states when consumers search for agents by state. To keep our system from being saturated with agents, we only allow 3 agents per zip code. This allows a better chance for insurance agents to get leads. Let’s go over this page to learn more. Click the Marketing Profile menu item on the left side and the Zip Codes & States from the drop-down.


Enter Zip Code

Start by entering a zip code that you want to be found in and then click the blue search button. If the zip code is available, you will see a message that says the zip code is available. To add the zip code to your profile, click the green Add button. Once you do, the zip code location will be added to your active zip codes. You will notice that you get some details about the zip code. Such as how many agents total are utilizing that zip code. Total profile views you have gotten with this zip code. This is when you are shown with other agents in a search. You will also see profile hits. This is when a consumer clicks on your profile link and views your profile. Finally, you can remove the zip code by clicking the red trash button. You can always replace your zip code later by removing it if you utilize all 3.


What States Do You Represent?

When you have a Platinum Agent’s Plan, selecting these states is another way to be found by potential leads. Just select the states in which you can provide policies. Once you have selected the states you want to be located in, click the green Save button. You will instantly be represented in those states as a Platinum Agent’s Plan.


Marketing Profile - Reviews

Having reviews from your existing clients is a great way for new leads to gauge how you do business. By being a Platinum Agent, you get access to reviews on your profile. When your clients visit your profile, they can click the ‘Leave a review’ link right under your name. When they do, a pop-up will appear where they can click the stars to rate you, their experience and finally their name. When they leave a review, it isn’t automatically posted to your profile, you have to enable it. So let’s begin by clicking the Marketing Profile menu item on the left and then the Reviews.


If a client has submitted a review, you will see the client name, email, rating, review and finally actions. 


Enable Button

The enable button will enable the review to be shown on your profile. Just click that button, and the review will be displayed instantly.


Disable Button

When a review is enabled, the review will show a yellow disable button. If you want to hide a review, just click the disable button and it will be hidden.


Delete Button

Finally, if you want to discard the review altogether, click the delete button. This will delete the review forever.


Final Notes

The sooner you get your marketing profile up, the sooner we can your your profile in front of consumers. Search engine optimization also starts to work and takes effect, and SEO will help create organic traffic to your profile. Make sure to share your profile everywhere you can. This includes social media, websites, forums, friends, and family. Don't forget to check out our other resources to help generate more leads for your insurance business.
