Marketing Profile

Building A Complete Marketing Profile To Generate Clients

Building A Complete Marketing Profile To Generate Clients


Insurance Storefront’s marketing profile is one of the best ways to generate leads without putting in much work. We do the marketing and pushing once you get your profile set up. When consumers search for local independent agents, browse articles, and with our marketing team advertising, it's a great way for leads to find our agents. Our agent marketing relies heavily on zip codes and we track our lead's zip codes automatically with their IP address. This allows us to show random agents local to their area throughout the website without them having to even search! Our Platinum Agents are listed before any regular agents and have a 70-mile radius of each of the three zip codes that are available to them.

When managing your marketing profile, you will notice on the related pages to the right, a Marketing Profile Completeness percentage bar. Once you have fully completed your profile, this bar will be at 100%. This score is part of the Match Percentage shown on agent searches for consumers, so it is really important to have a 100% completed profile. So let’s get our hands dirty and create our fully completed marketing profile!

About Your Business

Independent Insurance Agent Marketing Profile

To begin, let’s click the Marketing Profile menu item on the left and select About Your Business from the dropdown menu. On this page, we have six tabs that we need to fill out to help get to our 100% goal for our Marketing Profile Completeness. We will begin with the About You tab which is the default tab shown.

About You

On this tab, we have some basic info about you that needs to be filled out. Let’s go through each one to make sure we clearly understand what we should enter and some tips to find the perfect input.

Profile Picture

This setting is pretty straightforward, we need to add a profile picture for our marketing profile. When adding a picture, the best option is to choose one of high quality of yourself and make sure that it is as professional as it can be of you. This is a representation of you as a business, so it’s important to look like you’re serious about your business and serious about helping your client with their policy needs.

Year You Started

Again, this seems like a straightforward answer. We do take into account the years of experience as an agent for the Match Percentage rating. Please make sure this is accurate and honest, as some clients want an agent with many years and some don’t mind a new agent making an impression on them. 

Languages You Speak

Any languages you speak on the list, you should check off. We know America is always growing and opportunity for a new client is just a communication away. If you can speak Spanish, German, or any other language, potential clients might be more inclined to work with an agent who can speak their language rather than someone who can’t. 


The byline field will appear under your name on listings. You can add the company you work for, advertise an important policy service you are an expert in, or anything else you want to highlight to make yourself stand out.

Services Offered

The services offered field is to showcase some extras about your business. If you have a place of business, you could add handicapped parking. Maybe you have online bill pay that clients find convenient. Your company could have a mobile app that you would like to mention. Whatever extras that you can offer your client, having it listed here can help generate you a new client.

About You

The about you field is where you define yourself and your business. You don’t have to write a book but you should clearly define your experience, the services you offer, and how you will work for the client on their behalf. This is one of the biggest parts of your profile where you sell yourself and generate new clients. So take your time on this one and make yourself shine!

About Video Title & About Video Embed

If you have a video about yourself or your business, this is a great spot to share it. You can define the title of the video with the About Video Title field. You will use the About Video Embed to paste your video from whatever website you host it on, such as YouTube.

 Once everything has been entered, we need to click the save button to save our changes. Ok, we have gone through the About You tab and are ready to move on. The next tab is the Hours Available. In this tab, we will be defining our work hours so our clients know when we are available to help them with their policy needs.


Hours Available

Here in the hours available tab, we need to define what hours we work so that our clients know when we are available for them. On each day, you will click the from field and select a time. Once you have set your time, just click off the field and it will save your available time. Do this for the to field as well. Remember, once you have your time set, just click somewhere else on the page and the popup will close saving your available time. If you don’t work a certain day, you will just check the closed checkbox. You should do this for all the days as all the days are required!

Once all days are defined, click the save button to save your changes. After you have set your available hours for your clients, our next step is to define our location. Let’s begin by selecting the Area Located tab and get to work on it!


Area Located

The area location is important to help define where you should be displayed for state selection. However, you will have 3 zipcodes that can be outside of your area to be displayed in searches. We will discuss that later in this article.

Address 1 & Address 2

If you work from home and don’t have an office at your location for clients to visit, we recommend not filling this in as they aren’t required. However, if you do have an office location, it would be a great idea to enter this information if the client would rather visit you in person to have their needs filled.

City, State & Zip Code

The city, state, and zip code fields are required. We use these to not only show clients your general area but to show you in-state searches as well. This location should be where you work from as we can add other areas later.

Once you have defined the location, make sure to click the save button. Now that we have our location information set, we can move on to the Insurance Services Offered tab. Here, we will define what sort of coverage we offer.


Insurance Services Offered

Ok, now we need to define the coverages we offer to clients. On the Insurance Services Offered tab, you will see five tabs we can choose from:

  • Auto Insurance

  • Home Insurance

  • Life & Annuities

  • Business Insurance

  • Medicare

You will click each section and check off the coverage you offer. These coverages are searchable for clients to find the right coverages they need. We do have a convenient select-all button to select all coverages for a specific section. Once you have selected the coverages you offer, just click the save button. 

Our next tab is the Company Partners tab. In this section, we will define the insurance companies that we have partnered with so clients know the number of choices you can offer them.


Company Partners

On this page, we will define the major insurance companies we work with to offer policies through them. It is important to list all companies you work with to show a potential client you have many options for them to get the best policy possible.

Enter Company Name

To begin, start typing the company you have partnered with. Once you see the company, just click the company name and it will be added to your list. If you have selected a company and need to remove it, you can click the red x on the company to remove it.

Once you have your partner companies set, click the save button. We are now about to hit the last tab on this page. The Quote Engines tab is to add the quote engines that you have created to your marketing profile.


Quote Engines

We have five types of quote engines that users can create:

  • Life Insurance

  • Final Expense

  • Medicare 

  • ACA Health Insurance

  • ACA Dental

To create quote engines, you will have to visit the Quote Engines menu item on the left side of the page. This is where you can create all types of quote engines.

Quote engines are not a requirement for the Marketing Profile Completeness score. We add these here to help you allow potential clients to get instant quotes on certain policies they might be looking for.

To display a quote engine you have created, go through the types and select the quote engine you want to be used for that specific type. Once you have selected the quote engines you want to use, click the save button.

If you have followed this post, you will now have a Marketing Profile Completeness of 20%. Now, let's get to 40% by working on the Contact Info page. Begin by clicking the Contact Info menu item on the left side of the page under the Marketing Profile menu item.


Contact Info

Independent Insurance Agent Marketing Profile

This page allows you to define the ways clients can contact you and find more information about you through social media. To get our 40% goal on this page, we need to at least enter a phone number, and website address and add at least one social media URL. Let’s begin adding our details.

Phone Number

In this field, we need to add the best phone number for clients to reach us. This phone number is only shown when a client has selected you from searching and they can only select 3 at max. So add your number here without worry of being spammed by it.

Website Address

Every independent insurance agent should have a website. This is a great way to showcase more details about yourself and the services you offer. If you don’t have one, does offer a website builder and if you want us to build you one, we can do that as well. Just reach out to us and learn more about that. 

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter (X), YouTube, Instagram and Schedule URLs

You should add at least one social media URL that references your business. If you have more than one, that is great, add all that you have! We also have a scheduled URL that we count as a social media URL that allows users to go to a website URL to schedule a meeting with you.

Once you have entered your contact settings, click the save button. You will now notice we are sitting at 40% on our Marketing Profile Completeness score. Now let’s work on the PURL Links page to get our score to 60%!


Independent Insurance Agent Marketing Profile

PURL links or Personal URLs, are provided by insurance companies to allow potential clients to get quotes and start working with agents on their websites. You can share any links you want to here. You need to add at least one for this page to be considered complete and get to 60%.


The label for a purl link is the title of how the link will be displayed. Let’s say you have a URL that allows clients to get a life insurance quote. You can title this link Free Life Insurance Quote as an example.


The URL is the actual URL that you were provided with or something else you might want to share here. Paste in that URL here. 

If you want to add more PURL links, you can click the Add PURL green button. Once you have finished adding all the PURL links you want, click the save button. After you click the save button, you will now see your Marketing Profile Completeness sitting at 60%! We are now cooking with fire and ready to move on to 80%. Let’s get to this score by visiting the Zip Codes & States right below the PURL Links menu item.


Zip Codes & States

Independent Insurance Agent Marketing Profile

On this page, we will define what areas we service with zip codes and states. To get to our 80% goal, we need at least one zip code and at least one state.

Define Zip Codes

To begin, enter the zip code you want to be located in. We only allow 3 agents per zip code. If you enter a zip code that is already filled, we will display nearby zip codes that you can choose from. To add the zip code, just click the green add button and the zip code will be added to your active zip codes list. Our Platinum Agents have 3 zip codes available to them and should utilize all 3 of them to get the best results.

If you review your active zip codes, you will notice some details you may find important. We show how many agents are utilizing the zip code, which includes you in the count. The profile views show how many times you showed up in searches based on that zip code. Next, we show profile hits that are recorded when somebody clicks to view more of your marketing profile. You can also delete your active zip codes if you want to replace them. Once you add a zip code, your Marketing Profile Completeness will be at 70%. Now let’s manage the states we are allowed to service.


States Allowed To Service

Independent agents can service more than one state. We display Platinum Agents in the state searches based on the states selected here. So go through and select the states you want to be listed in. When a state is selected, the button beside it will turn blue. Once you have selected all the states you want to be located in, click the save button to save your changes.

After you have saved your changes, you will notice the Marketing Profile Completeness is now at 80%. We are close to hitting 100% and have a fully completed profile! Let’s move onto the next page, reviews. Click the reviews page under the Marketing Profile menu dropdown. 



Independent Insurance Agent Marketing Profile

On this page, we can manage the reviews from our clients. Reviews are a great way for clients to see how others experience was with you. To begin, click the Create New Review green button in the upper right hand corner.

A popup will display where you can add your clients review. For the customer rating, click the stars to set the rating of the review. On the customer experience, enter the review the client has given you. Then enter their full name and email address. Don’t worry, their full name and email address will not be shared. Finally, define the display status of the review. To display this review to potential clients, make sure to select yes. Then click the submit button and it will be saved.

Reviews can also be left by your clients. Just refer them to your profile and they can click the leave a review link. They will be displayed with a popup form to fill out their review for you. Once they fill out the form, you will then be able to enable the review from this page. 

After you have added a review this is displayed on your profile, you will now see our Marketing Profile Completeness at 100%. We now have a complete marketing profile to bring in new clients for our business!



We went through creating a complete profile. Having a robust marketing profile on is the best way to generate new clients for your insurance business. Once you have completed your profile, you will be displayed on our home page when someone in your location visits, on blog/articles we write, displayed on state searches and when getting matched to potential clients when they search for coverages. 

If you have any questions, please feel free and we will help with your marketing profile! With that said, happy lead generating!



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